Omni Builders Profession Painting Services & Painting contractors for Indoor & Outdoor Painting. Speak with our professional Painters to plan your color palette & design. High Quality Paints for interior & exterior painting services

Paint Jobs

Paint jobs are essential to a house look. They have a great impact on the perception of the house, whether it’s interior paint job or exterior paint job, playing with colors have a certain way of creating a feel and what will the house will project, it can be a warm feeling, an elegant look, modern, classic, Spanish or even Mediterranean. Paint job can also help improve your house to be more energy efficient, by using a unique coat of reflective paint that have been specially engineered and formulated to better reflect the sun’s heat. The cool paint has the ability to lower an exterior wall surface temperature by as much as forty Fahrenheit and by that Increasing your home’s energy efficiency, something that certainly can come in handy in the hot summer days and something that we as home owners can surely appreciate! Our trusted painters would love to guide you through the process and will help you with the color’s selection & design.
Here’s a few examples, enjoy!